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The College of Education
produced 171 results. Displaying results from 1 to 60
Friends for the Department of Teaching, Learning, Policy and Leadership (TLPL)
College of Education Greatest Needs Fund
Dr. J. David Lockard Memorial Scholarship
Marie Smith Davidson Scholarship
Dr. Charles J. Beatty Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Harry B. Green Endowed Scholarship
Vincent and Mary Straface Family Scholarship in Education
Betty June Karle Warner Endowed Scholarship for Teacher Education
Willamy Simonds King Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Carey Career Development in Education Endowed Fellowship
Friends of the Center for Young Children Endowment
Carolyn H. and Howard F. Ahrens Endowed Education Scholarship
L. I. "Mac" and Lucille McEwen Endowed Fund
Nancy M. Pinson-Millburn Memorial Scholarship Endowment in Counseling Education
Jack and Son, Stephen, Simich Endowed Scholarship
Patricia S. and John A. Koskinen Endowed Scholarship
Kathleen Luchs-Rosenberger Ph.D. Endowed Scholarship
Montgomery County NCJW Scholarship in Secondary Education
Montgomery County NCJW Scholarship in Elementary Education
Need Based Scholarship
Drs. Wilson Elkins and A. D. William Cobey
Dr. Constance Herreshoff Gordon Education Scholarship
Bridges Endowed Scholarship
Special Education Endowed Fund in Honor of Jean R. Hebeler
Transitions Scholarship Program
College of Education Alumni Award
Charles J. Beatty Scholarship
Toby H. Milton Memorial Fund
Nancy M. Pinson-Millburn Memorial Scholarship in Counseling Education
Elizabeth Coleman Scholarship
David and Audrylee Williams Family Scholarship
Dora and Edwin Kennedy Scholarship
Lena Struglia Department of Statistics Scholarship
John T. Guthrie Scholarship
Miriam Farwell Memorial Scholarship
College of Education General Scholarship
Dr. Harry B. Green Scholarship
Patricia and John Koskinen Scholarship
Kathleen Luchs-Rosenberger Scholarship
Building Fund
School Partnership Program
Friends of the College of Education Fund
Special Education Development Fund
Graduate Student Fellowship Awards Fund
Measurement, Statstics & Evaluation Development Fund
Dean's Advisory Fund
Edmond Bartas Art Education Fund
Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education
Gretta Fein Memorial Fund
Friends of EDPL
Friends of EDHD
Friends of EDCI
Curriculum & Instruction/Science Teaching Center
Friends of EDMS (Education Measurement and Statistics)
Maryland Institute for Minority Achievement and Urban Education (MIMAUE) Executive Fund
Dr. Rachel M. Petty Dissertation Fellowship Fund
Center for Mathematics Education Fellowship Fund
Niel and Helen Carey Graduate Award in the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services Operating Fund
CYC Operating Fund
Friends of the College of Education Special Education Gift Fund